Thursday, February 5, 2009

december 7th 2008

we went to see nine inch nails. from the first cassette tape, i have always been a fan. seeing them a ton in high school just made me want to go see them now, what 15 years later (please ignore my grey hairs) I didnt have a photo pass so I tried to take some shots from the crowd and stands. this is what I came up with. the effects and light show were phenominal. for two jaded touring idiots we are, we walked away amazed and totally jealous and in awe.

nine inch nails

nine inch nails

nine inch nails

nine inch nails

nine inch nails

nine inch nails

nine inch nails

nine inch nails


Anonymous said...

I heard how insane the production was on this tour. I am so jealous. And for crowd shots, those are amazing!!!


allyson said...

ditto on the last comment. shoot, with shots from the crowd like that who needs a photo pass.

allyson said...
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atarigeek said...

thanks ladies!